Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall celebrations

Fall has been VERY busy for us. We moved into our home October 19 and thankfully have settled very well, ALL of us! The 19th was also Justin's Birthday... and we managed to squeeeeze in the State Fair that day too, I know CRAZY! We do crazy very well! :)  We had to go! Justin and I have been every year to the state fair since we got married back in 2000. So here are some pictures of the fun adventures that have taken place this fall.... Looks like we hit up the zoo for a First Grade field trip, then to the Fun Fest, a quick stop at the pumpkin patch and corn maze, NC State Fair, Neighborhood party and Halloween! Yes, we are tired! But memories were made!!!


Pumpkin Patch

Fall Fest


NC State Fair! 

I just love her excitement for life! 

JD's Bday #34

I think Rylee was expecting water at the bottom! 

Us four at the fair. 

Pilot Mountain, NC 

Snappy's Lunch in Mayberry, NC (Andy Griffith)

We EVEN added a trip to Burlington to see my nephew before he was off again. He had just graduated from Marine Boot Camp!!! So proud of you Devin! 

Costume party at our neighbor's house- FUN! 

1 comment:

  1. Your family is beautiful, and what fun memories you all made! NC has such a beautiful fall and it looks like you and your family are really making the most of it!
